TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 September 2024

TOR330 Tor des Geants® - TOR450 Tor des Glaciers - TOR130 Tot Dret - TOR100 Cervino Monte Bianco - TOR30 Passage au Malatrà




TORX 2025 Registration will open in:

TORX 2025 Registration is open

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Lot of registration and very nice stories

Even up to 2303 the pre registered runners among which the 700 runners will be drawned. There is a huge amount of foreigns,  sign of the fact that Tor is becoming more and more of a world wide event charming and attractive very far away, even in very out of hands countries. Preregistrations have arrived, for example, from New Zealand, Madagascar, New Caledony, Reunioin. The most representative extra europe country is Japan, with 81 preregistration.

What we could say  is that one of the “star” of Tor will be Stephanie Case who will take up high ( not just in a figurative way) the flag of Palestine Territories  She lives in Gaza City, even if she has canadien origins. Stephanie, 33 years old, shiny smile, athletical look, she has a law degree, study in psicology, a master in various university and she is working, taking care of human rights, in some of the most “hot” countries in the world: Afghanistan, South Sudan, Etiopia, Syria just to mention some of them. Her last residency is in the Gaza Stripes.

Stephanie is also a very prestigious runner: she has done some very hard ultra trails, some of she won, in every corner of the world, up to even 250 miles distance.

So, she is a runner we should focus on, for her personality and the flag she is representing. And even because the podium can be hers. 

Updated: Sun, 15/02/2015 - 21:05