TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 Septembre 2024

TOR330 Tor des Geants® - TOR450 Tor des Glaciers - TOR130 Tot Dret - TOR100 Cervino Monte Bianco - TOR30 Passage au Malatrà




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Collé: " My hearts is with Tor"

Success often impose to take difficult decision, even when it comes to sport.

This is something Franco Collé, athlete from the Aosta Valley, experimented in these days: Collé, one of the favorite to win this 2015 Tor des Géants, decided a few hours ago not to be at the starting line. 

Collé just finished an important agonistic tournée in the USA where he won the Rut50K, an important race that took place in Montana.

Thanks to that win, he is now first place in the ranking of the Skyrunner World Series.

The point is that the final race of the Series is the Ultra Pirineu, a race of 110km that will take place on September 19th, when Tor is still on.

Here is the problem Collé had to deal with: is it better to run Tor and enjoy the valley and the love of the fans or is it better to race in Ultra Pirineu and try to win the World Series? 

He decided, difficultly, to go for the second option. With full right, we have to say: being in the first place in a series that is as worthy as a world tour is not something that happens every day. On the other hand, Tor will still be here next year, happy to have an even more successful athlete at the starting list. 

So, we  temporarily loose a great athlete and a great character, but, therefore, now the claim for the first place is even more fascinating and open. 

Franco Collé will be joining Tor in life basis and during the race to cheer his friends until he has to leave Aosta Valley for Spain.


Ph: PillowLab

Updated: Thu, 10/09/2015 - 16:48