TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 September 2024

TOR330 Tor des Geants® - TOR450 Tor des Glaciers - TOR130 Tot Dret - TOR100 Cervino Monte Bianco - TOR30 Passage au Malatrà




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Tor, the medicine and the technology in the field

The Tor is also research and involved different operational units: the Mountain Medicine and Neuro-medicine Highly Specialized Center, located in Umberto Parini Hospital in Aosta, l’IFC/CNR of Pisa, l’IBFM/CNR of Milan, the psychiatric field of Pisa University.
The researches in that 2017 edition are effectuated on volunteers ultra trailers that participate to the Tor des Géants® and the Tot Dret, so on different distances and with different typologies of management.

Briefly, are under way studies on the aging of people that doing endurance and on the relevant cardiovascular risks, on the vascular elasticity and, at the end, on the athletes psychological behavior before and after the race, with particular focus on anxiety, depression and risk evaluation.

The body aging, due to the cellular dead, is measured through the lengths of the telomeres, DNA structures that have a protective function of the singles cells. It have been proved that the shortening of the telomeres, on athletes that have concluded a endurance trail competition; consequently theirs cells deteriorates and this is way the body aging. But there is also a good news : the athletes that normally do a moderate and regular training or are in relax pre-competition conditions, have the telomeres longer length compared to, with same age and sex, do a sedentary life.

In addition that studies are longer than the race time, the volunteers athletes that partecipate to the research are monitoring during a period of time.

Furthermore in occasion of the Tor 2017 it have been activated the disposal named Myogen, a alternated micro currents stimulator that recognize, evaluated and treat immediately body areas that present a bioelectric modified activity (algic zones). The applications, not invasive, allowed the recovery of the tone and muscular force, a rapid mobility recovery, in addition to analgesic and anti-inflammatory actions. Briefly, for who does sport it’s a strong alleate (to know more:

Updated: Fri, 15/09/2017 - 17:23