At midnight on Friday, February 14, pre-registrations for the TOR330 – Tor des Géants® closed with almost 2000 aspiring Giants from 76 nations worldwide. And now? By the end of the month, a lottery will be held to determine who will be at the starting line in Courmayeur on Sunday, September 14, ready to live their dream, in addition to the 250+ who took advantage of the "fast track" reserved for PAX holders. The list of pre-registrants has been shuffled on the platform, and by February 28, the starting list will be finalized based on national quotas. From March 1 to March 15, the selected runners must confirm their registration. At the same time, registrations for the other races of TORX® with Kailas will open: TOR450 – Tor des Glaciers, TOR130 – Tot Dret, TOR100 – Cervino-Monte Bianco, TOR30 – Passage au Malatrà.
Stay tuned for more details in the coming days, but for now, mark your calendar!