TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 September 2024

TOR330 Tor des Geants® - TOR450 Tor des Glaciers - TOR130 Tot Dret - TOR100 Cervino Monte Bianco - TOR30 Passage au Malatrà




TOR330 Tor des Géants 2025 Pre-Registration will open in:

TOR330 Tor des Géants 2025 Pre-Registration is open

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Step Forward, Makers Of Dreams!

Solidarity bibs are available to a select few particularly sensitive and generous participants. It’s an opportunity not only to participate in the Tor des Géants® 2016, but at the same time to show strong support to a charity that VDA Trailers has recently announced as Make A Wish® Italy. A non-profit organization founded in Genoa in 2004 by Fabio and Sune Frontani in memory of their daughter Carlotta, who sadly passed away at the age of 10 from a serious illness, the objective of the organization is to realize the dream of a seriously ill child, transforming one otherwise ordinary day into an extraordinarily memorable one.
Make a Wish®, or rather the children make a wish, and Fabio and Sune, along with over 280 volunteers and the collaboration of leading Italian Pediatric Hospitals, undertake to turn them into reality. Between 2004 and 2015 they have made over 1280 dreams come true. Those who participate in the Tor des Géants® do so to live out their own dreams, which is why making the choice to support Make a Wish® couldn’t be more appropriate!
We are delighted and honored to have been chosen by VDA Trailers as the beneficiary association for such a very important and ambitious race like the Tor des Géants,Sune Frontani says. “It is an event whose participation requires a great spirit of sacrifice, courage and, above all, the will to believe in dreams. From one point of view these characteristics are also distinguishable of the children of Make-A-Wish. These are special children who do not give up in the face of illness, and take on the daily struggle of living with great courage to overcome a particularly difficult time in their lives. "
Bearing in mind that this lively Genovese nonprofit organization is active throughout the whole of Italy, athletes who purchase the solidarity bibs of Tor 2016 will be the makers of one or more children’s dreams, perhaps in different regions of the country.

More info here

Click here to buy a solidarty bib

Updated: Sat, 19/03/2016 - 10:08