TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 September 2024

TOR330 Tor des Geants® - TOR450 Tor des Glaciers - TOR130 Tot Dret - TOR100 Cervino Monte Bianco - TOR30 Passage au Malatrà




TORX 2025 Registration will open in:

TORX 2025 Registration is open

  • days
  • Hours
  • Minutes
  • Seconds

Pre-registrations closed.. what happens now?

 .   Distance: 330KM
     Elevation gain: 24000 mt D+
     Time limit: 150h
: 2402
     Nations represented: 77
     Bibs available: 950
       of which 119 already assigned to finishers TOR130 - Tot Dret 2019

1) Check of the status of the payment and the admissibility of each pre-registered. Exclusion from the list of those who have already participated 3 consecutive times and any duplication. Spot-check of the residence data entered.

2) Calculation of the multiple draw coefficients. The runner's name will be repeated using the rule of 2n-1, where the “n” will stand for the number of pre-registrations made.
Ex: the name of the runner pre-registered in 2018/2019/2020 will be entered 4 times in the drawing 
(23-1 => 22 = 4). Entrants who pre-registered consecutively in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 but have not been successful in any draw, will be drawn automatically.
3) The draw day is not yet established, the admissibility check takes time. The draw is made by, a browser that works automatically in few seconds.
4) Participants selection according to country quotas (nations of residence, spot-check will be carried out).
The number of Italians is fixed. (40% = 300 runners) All others are divided by odds based on the percentage of pre-registered members of their country.
Ex. If the percentage of French of ALL the pre-registered is 20%, the share of French admitted to the TOR will be 20% of the total.
For each country, a minimum of two pre-registered are taken.

5) Communication to the selected by February 28th.
     Distance: 450KM
     Elevation gain: 32000mt D+
     Time limit: 190h
     Pre-registrations: 157
     Nations represented: 37

1)  Check of the status of the payment and the admissibility of each pre-registered. Exclusion from the list of those who does not meet the requirements (finisher of TOR330 in less than 130h) and any duplication.
2) Communication to the selected by February 28th.

Updated: Wed, 19/02/2020 - 11:48