Many persons have contributed and expressed with a little but important donation their proper participation and closeness to the family of the trailer Yuan Yang, tragically deceased during the first night of this edition of the Tor des Géants®.
The fundraising started at the end of the race and has been arranged by the organisation of the Tor des Géants® (represented by the Association VDA Trailers s.s.d.r.l. and the Autonomous Region of the Aostavalley) and has been concluded at the beginning of last November- obtaining an important result: 9.500 Euros, which will be entirely donated to the family of Yuan Yang. The family lives in the region of the Inner Mongolia, in the northern part of China.
Many participants of the race,trailers and normal citizens decided to donate and to remember Yuan Yang with this concrete initiative. Local authorities,sponsors and many others, somehow involved in the race, have actively participated at the fundraising. Thanks to this positive mobilisation, it has been possible to honour a huge passionate of the mountains, who has come from so far participating at an event in the name of solidarity and respect of nature.