TORX Trail Running Races 6-15 September 2024

TOR330 Tor des Geants® - TOR450 Tor des Glaciers - TOR130 Tot Dret - TOR100 Cervino Monte Bianco - TOR30 Passage au Malatrà




Cogne - Goilles

Dati percorso: 
km 5,6 km prog 113,3 D+ 452 m D- 138 m

Leaving the base of life, skirting the stream in the direction of Saint Antoine, follow the dirt road that, immersed in the woods, rises gently up to Champlong (1596 m). From here continue along the asphalt road, for about 1km, up to Lillaz (1623 m). From Lillaz, turning left, take path 13, which runs along a foreday for a few meters, enters the forest and leads to Goilles Desot (1831 m). Refreshment and control point.

Updated: Thu, 19/04/2012 - 12:57